Completed Sydney Senior Living & Residential Care Interior Design Masterplanning Urban Design Heritage & Conservation
  • Client:


  • Location:

    Castle Hill, NSW Australia

  • Awards:

    2016 UDIA NSW Winner Excellence in Retirement Living

In 2014, Jackson Teece won a design competition to prepare a master plan for “Lober Square”, Anglicare’s hospitality and wellness precinct in Castle Hill. Our expertise in public domain design, masterplanning, architecture and heritage conservation was critical in developing a compelling design solution that resolved the complex issues of the site.

The master plan was developed to promote wellness of the residents through the creation of a high-quality public domain which knits together the various community and residential uses across the entire site.. The town centre is the design’s focal point and a celebration of life that brings people together in a vibrant buzz of activity and connection. Making use of the vast site, the diverse collection of green, open spaces offers ample opportunities for passive and active recreation.

Project Leadership
Damian Barker

Managing Director

Andrew Tesoriero


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